What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep Apnea is a common problem that makes it hard for people to get enough restful sleep. This can make them feel tired throughout the day and may increase their risk of heart problems and other health issues.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea causes the throat to narrow while you are asleep, causing airflow to be blocked. This can happen because of enlarged tonsils, large adenoids or other tissue, or a larger than normal tongue. It’s more common in men and older adults, but it affects people of all ages, races and genders. Being overweight increases your chance of developing this condition.

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Signs of obstructive sleep apnea include loud snoring and waking up during the night. You may also have a dry mouth or sore throat, trouble falling back to sleep, and problems paying attention at work or at school.

With obstructive sleep apnea, your breathing stops repeatedly during sleep, often for 10 seconds or more. These pauses in breathing, called apneic events, can occur as many as 30 times an hour. They can cause choking and a feeling of being smothered. They can also cause headaches, fatigue, and irritability.

If you think you have obstructive sleep apnea, talk to your doctor. You will need to have a physical exam and a medical history, and you may be asked to do a home or in-clinic sleep test. These tests, called polysomnography, track your brain activity, oxygen levels, muscle movement, and other factors to help diagnose obstructive sleep apnea and determine its severity.

Quality Physiotherapy Clinic in VIC

Located in Melbourne, VIC, Quality Physiotherapy Clinic in VIC offers expert and Shoulder treatment to relieve pain and maximize movement. Our physiotherapists are highly trained in musculoskeletal injuries and conditions, with experience in treating a wide variety of injuries and disorders. Our physiotherapy treatments aim to alleviate your symptoms, promote healing and normal movement and teach you how to help yourself to recover from your condition.

Physiotherapy is a physical therapy that can be very effective in managing and treating a wide range of disorders and injuries. It can help with a number of conditions and injuries, including neck and back pain, sports injuries, arthritic joints, chronic headaches and more. This type of treatment can be used to treat patients of all ages, from children to elderly people.

Healing Hands: Choosing the Right Physiotherapy Clinic in VIC

For those who are looking for a quality physiotherapy clinic in VIC, Align Health Collective is the place to go. With the help of our experienced physiotherapists, you can restore your mobility and reduce your pain. In addition, our therapists can also assist you with preventing and overcoming future injuries.

The definition of APP is a highly-trained, autonomous physical therapist who has post-registration master’s level (or equivalent) specialization in clinical practice, education, leadership, and management, and may use particular occupational titles. Typically, APPs work in face-to-face clinical settings within the public, private, or third healthcare sectors. This systematic mixed studies review aims to systematically and methodically evaluate the effect of physiotherapy on the outcomes of patients with a range of conditions and injuries.